Gopika Setlur

Gopika Setlur has been meditating for 33 years and teaching meditation and breathing for the past 17 as a certified teacher with the Art of Living Foundation.

Gopika is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of Elefint, a women-owned and operated design studio that brings informed and beautiful design to the social impact space. Her clients include the ACLU, Black Girls Code, Ocean Conservancy, and Clinton Global Initiative. Through teaching, speaking engagements, and producing annual events including Desgnit, her goal is to keep people excited about the power of design to open minds, educate, and inspire. Her work has been featured in Fast Company, TechCrunch, GOOD Magazine, Wired Italy, and Design Like You Give a Damn.

When she is not advancing design for good causes, Gopika loves spending time in the natural beauty of California where she lives with her husband and son.
